Nobody asked for it, but I ♥ this stuff...

A compiled list of likes and general favorites in no particular order of importance.


Kintsugi by Death Cab for Cutie always feels like an album I need when I need a chill vibe. My music otherwise ebbs and flows. I'm not particularly musical myself, so I like music based on how it makes me feel. I like a lot of individual songs, fewer full albums, and even fewer actual bands.


I prefer audiobooks, but have gotten into physical (hardcover) books recently. I'm currently reading through the Jane series, because I'm a teenage girl. They're quite fun.

I also quite liked Ready Player One and Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline.


I love movies in general, but Arrival, starring Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner, directed by Denis Villeneuve, and an amazing score by the late Jóhann Jóhannsson.


Ruth Bernhard, no contest. Close seconds would be J. Isobel de Lisle and Jingna Zhang right now.


I use PocketCasts and listen to these regularly: